Taliban Afghan

Last week during Aviation Law class, my professor mentioned that Afghanistan was on the verge of being overrun by the Taliban. Who knew that less than a week later, just two days ago on Sunday, the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan, as thousands flee Kabul, so desperate that they even clung onto planes taking off …

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Big Fish in a Little Pond?

So today, I saw this article on Straits Times, where a parent asked an education correspondent whether he had made the right decision sending his child, a top performer at his primary school, to a top Integrated Programme school. His child has only been there for three months and he is feeling anxious and less …

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COVID-19: Circuit-Breaker

Alas, before I could even put up my post on why schools in Singapore haven't closed yet, the government announced last Friday that we are going on a lo--- nope, the correct term is "circuit-breaker" measures... The announcement was supposed to happen last Friday at 4pm, but before the announcement, many Singaporeans rushed to the …

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COVID-19: Asia & Western perspectives

Updates: As of today, Saturday, 28 March 2020, the USA and Italy have both surpassed China in terms of confirmed cumulative number of COVID-19 cases. Singapore has implemented a one-day home-learning day for all primary, secondary and pre-tertiary schools. My university has suspended all face to face classes above 25 people, those with fewer than …

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Internet Censorship in China – My Experience on both sides of the Great Firewall

Internet freedom is largely restricted in China, with heavy censorship. The Great Firewall prevents users from accessing popular sites outside of China, including Google, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Hence, Chinese social media users operate almost exclusively on Chinese websites such as Weibo. Having been an avid user of Weibo since more than two years ago, I thought I would share my personal experience with readers outside of China on what the internet is like on the other side of the Great Firewall, focusing specifically on Sina Weibo.

A Future Problem, A Story to Intrigue

Julius is a technology whiz who graduated from Caesar's University. He is marvelous at inventing gadgets that change people's life. However, he urgently needs to find a job. However, most employers rejected him due to his short concentration span. Left with plenty of free time, he began inventing gadgets that improved people's life by cutting down their work hours. The gadget is out. Employers are furious with him. The police had brought him to the police station more than once to interrogate him. In the year 2089, anything is possible. Will Julius survive?